Free Hosting Panel

Monday, May 12, 2014

1. Ajenti is an open source web based system management control panel for managing remote system administrating tasks from the web browser much similar to Webmin module. Ajenti is a much powerful and lightweight tool, that provides fast and responsive web interface for managing small server set-ups and also best suitable for VPS and Dedicated servers. It has built with many pre-made plugins for configuring and monitoring server software’s and services such as Apache, Cron, File System, Firewall, MySQL, Nginx, Munin, Samba, FTP, Squid and many other tools like File Manager, Code Editor for developers and Terminal access.

2. ZPanel is a free and complete web hosting control panel for Microsoft® Windows™ and POSIX (Linux, UNIX and MacOSX) based servers. ZPanel is written in PHP and uses several open-source (or freely available) software packages to provide a secure, web hosting system. Learn more... The ZPanel project consists of team members from all over the world as well as a growing amount of users from the community that have designed and developed both third-party modules and themes for ZPanel.

3. Ehcp is a Hosting Control Panel (hcp). hcp is a tool in a server to facilate the process of hosting domains, emails, adding domains, ftp users and so on.
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Python for System administrator [OS Functions]

Friday, May 9, 2014


The OS Module in Python provides a good way to use the operation system functionality.
The functions provided allows to interface with the underlying OS that Python is running on (Windows, Mac or Linux).

Os Functions

♦ Executing a shell command : os.system()
♦ Get the status of a file: os.stat()
♦ Get the users environment: os.environ()
♦ Move to a different direcoty: os.chdir()
♦ Get current working directory: os.getcwd()
♦ Get the group Id of the current process: os.getgid()
♦ Get the current process's user id: os.getuid()
♦ Get the real process ID of the current process: os.getpid()
♦ Get the name of the user logged: os.getlogin()
Check read permissions: os.getaccess()
♦ Change the mode of path to numeric mode: os.chmod()
♦ Change the owner and group id: os.chown()
♦ Set the current numeric unmask: os.umask(mask)
♦ Get the size of a file: os.getsize()
♦ Get the current environment: os.getenviron()
♦ Return informations about the operating system: os.uname()
♦ Delete the file path: os.remove(path)
♦ Remove the directory path: os.rmdir(path)
♦ Print out all directories, sub-directories and files: os.walk()
♦ Check if a path exists: os.path.exists()
♦ Get load average: os.getloadavg()

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